Monday, January 5, 2009

facts again...

i guess these were the longest 5 dayz of my life ......longest cuz so many things hapened in such a short span of time that these 5 dayz have become an memorable moment (if put together) already!
i kept all my doubts, worries, suspicion and pessimism at bay and guess had a great time. but truth doesnt take long to slap u on the face again!
my apologies....not truth.....but Facts.....truth could be perceived outta them though.

it hits hard to know that inspite of everything u r pushed to the starting point again.

the sepulcher still smiles....with translucent eyes this time :)


Small Miracle said... things have been tough i see. All the very best for 2009. i hope life is rosier...and warmer.

SePuLcHeR said...

2009...will be the best ive had :)
not that i just case its going in other directions....ill force it my way :))